Passport checks will remain the first line of defence against terrorists 护照检查仍将是对付恐怖分子的第一道防线。
A second line of defence that took effect immediately would therefore be desirable. 因此,会立即对病毒进行防御的人体第二道防线是比较理想的。
Fortunately in many of these cases the first line of defence would come from sovereign balance sheets. 幸运的是,在很多情况下,第一道防线将来自主权资产负债表。
It would also contribute to strengthening the global financial safety net and complement existing international arrangements as an additional line of defence. 这也将作为一道增加的防线,为补充现有国际外汇储备安排、加强全球金融安全网做出贡献。
The presence of estrogen would therefore have a beneficial effect on innate immunity, which represents the body's first line of defence against pathogenic organisms. 雌激素的存在因此可以在先天性免疫机能方面起到有益作用,即代表了机体防御病原体侵袭的第一道屏障。
The security check at railway stations is an important section in the line of defence against dangers and explosion. 铁路车站安检工作是查危防爆安全防线上的重要一环。
He made use of every possible weapon of thought, except analogy, and his transitions from one line of defence to another seemed to Prince Andrey too violent. 除开不采用比喻而外,他采用了各种可以采用的思维手段,安德烈公爵仿佛觉得,他过分大胆地变换了一种又一种手段。
The sub-editor can be seen as the reader's last line of defence. 助理编辑被视为读者的最后防线。
The troops were ordered to fall back on the second line of defence. 队伍奉命退守到第二道防线。
[ They] thus provided a first line of defence during the crisis, said Diana Farrell, one of the report's authors. 报告作者之一的戴安娜•法雷尔(DianaFarrell)表示:在信贷危机中,(它们)提供了第一条防线。
Ministers rejected the IMF's call for globally co-ordinated public intervention to tackle the problems in the financial system directly as a third line of defence against the credit crisis. 各国部长拒绝了IMF的要求。IMF呼吁世界各国联合起来进行公开干预,直接对付金融市场问题,成为应对信贷危机的第三道防线。
International health security is the first line of defence against health shocks that can devastate people, societies and economies worldwide. 国际卫生安全是针对可在全世界范围毁灭人类、社会和经济的卫生风险冲击提供的第一线防御。
Install a burglar alarm if you can afford it as another line of defence against intruders. 如果你能负担的话,安装一个防盗报警器作为对入侵者的另一层防御。
For individuals personal protection against mosquito bites represents the first line of defence for malaria prevention. 个人防护蚊虫叮咬则是预防疟疾的第一道防线。
The soldiers were ordered to fall back on the final line of defence. 士兵们奉命退守到最后一道防线。
Effective national regulatory regimes could have prevented this crisis and must be our first line of defence against any future one. 有效的国家监管制度本可能阻止这场危机,而且必定是我们预防未来危机的第一道防线。
Public intervention would provide a third line of defence by tackling the housing and credit problem directly, he said. 他表示,通过直接解决房地产及信贷问题,公共干预将提供第三道防线。
They are the immune system's first line of defence against harmful bacteria and migrate into the tissue at the site of infection to combat pathogens. 中性粒细胞是免疫系统中抵抗有害细菌的第一道防线,并能迁移至感染的组织部位抗击病原体。
Monetary policy is typically the first line of defence against macroeconomic shocks. 一般来说,货币政策是应对宏观经济冲击的第一道防线。
In view of the threat of Soviet hegemonism, over the years we formed a strategic line of defence& a line stretching from Japan to Europe to the United states. 过去有一段时间,针对苏联霸权主义的威胁,我们搞了一条线的战略,就是从日本到欧洲一直到美国这样的一条线。
"No one could possibly have anticipated this disaster" is another common line of defence. “没人能预见到这场灾难”则是一个常见的辩护理由。
This points to the importance of the fifth step: strengthening international co-ordination, review and surveillance to create a better second line of defence. 这就指明了第五步措施的重要性:加强国际协调、审查和监督,建立更好的第二道防线。
Government intervention whether in the securities market, the housing market or the banking sector would act as a "third line of defence" supporting monetary and fiscal policy, he said. 他表示,政府干预(不管是在证券市场、房地产市场还是银行业)将成为支持货币与财政政策的“第三道防线”。
The first line of defence remains monetary policy. 第一道防线仍然是货币政策。
The safety of the public must always come first is a compelling mantra – but only if the public really believe their safety is in jeopardy. No one could possibly have anticipated this disaster is another common line of defence. 必须始终把公众的安全放在首位是一句颇有说服力的口号&但前提是公众真的相信自己的安全受到了威胁。没人能预见到这场灾难则是一个常见的辩护理由。
But capital is only one line of defence. 但资本仅是一道防线。
But money holdings are their first line of defence. 但持有通货是他们的第一道防线。
That leaves the ECB as the last line of defence for the euro. 因此,欧洲央行就成为保卫欧元的最后一道防线。
As the first line of defence, communities built sea walls with tsunami gates for river mouths that could be closed when waves approached, as well as offshore breakwaters and raised river dykes. 作为第一道防线,居民们修建了海堤,并在河口处设立水闸(当海啸靠近时,可以关闭水闸);另外还修建了离岸堤,并加高了河堤。
Traditionally, users usually adopt Firewall as their first line of defence. 传统上,网络用户一般采用防火墙作为安全的第一道防线。